Honouring her contributions to the effort of spreading world peace and harmony, Amma is regularly invited by international organisations to address the issues of religious differences, the environment, education and peace-making.
Amma’s teachings are timeless and universal, while conveyed in a way that makes them accessible to all – regardless of their religious, education or cultural background. Amma has never asked anyone to change their religion, only to go deeper into their values or faith, and to live by those essential principles.
- Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters, University of Mysore (Amritapuri, 2019)
- Swachh Bharat Award for the largest contribution to Clean India Campaign (New Delhi, 2018)
- Soldiers of Peace International Association’s
- Commemorative Gold Medal for Peace” (Toulon, 2017)
- Medal of the Provence-Alpes-Côtes d’Azur Region (Toulon, 2017)
- Hindu Ratna Award (Kochi, 2017)
- Fashion4Development “Medal of Honor” (New York, 2015)
- Kavithilakam Pandit Karuppan Award (Kerala, 2014)
- Doctorate of Humane Letters from SUNY (Buffalo, 2010)
- Prix Cinéma Vérité (Paris, 2007)
- James Parks Morton Interfaith Award (New York, 2006)
- Philosopher Saint Sri Jnaneswara World Peace Prize (Pune, 2006)
- Mahavir Mahatma Award (London, 2005)
- Centenary Legendary Award of the Int. Rotarians (Cochin, 2005)
- Gandhi-King Award for Non-Violence (Geneva, 2002)
- Karma Yogi of the Year (Yoga Journal, 2002)
- Care & Share Int. Humanitarian of the Year Award (Chicago, 1998)
- Hindu Renaissance Award (Hinduism Today, 1993)

- 2018: Interfaith Summit to Protect Children Online, Abu Dhabhi
- 2015: Summit of Conscience for the Climate, Paris, France (Video Message)
- 2015: UNAI Conference on Tech. for Sustainable Development (New York)
- 2014: Joint Declaration of Religious Leaders Against Modern Slavery (Vatican)
- 2014: Conversations on Compassion (Stanford University)
- 2013: 100 Birth Ann. Celebrations of Sw. Vivekananda (New Delhi)
- 2012: United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (Shanghai)
- 2009: Inauguration of Vivekananda Int. Foundation (New Delhi)
- 2008: Summit of the Global Peace Initiative of Women (Jaipur)
- 2007: Cinéma Vérité Film Festival (Paris)
- 2006: James Park Morton Interfaith Awards (New York)
- 2005: Rotary International, India (Cochin)
- 2004: Parliament of the World’s Religions (Barcelona)
- 2002: Global Peace Initiative of Women Rel. & Spiritual Leaders, UN (Geneva)
- 2000: Millennium Peace Summit, UN (New York)
- 1995: Int. Celebrations at the 50th Anniversary of the UN (New York)
- 1993: Parliament of the World’s Religions 100th Anniversary (Chicago)